"Tens of millions of Trump supporters are undoubtedly pulling their hair out and demanding “action” to reverse the fraudulent election and to have President Trump recognized publicly as the President of the United States.
Everyone knows Trump won except the willfully ignorant or those still blinded by their political anti-Trump agenda. The truth is that Trump won bigly.
I believe the military knows it. I am sure the enemy knows it. An increasing number of Americans know it, even some who foolishly supported Joey “Bribes” Biden.
So why the delay?
Why no high profile arrests? Why no use of lawful force? Why are we still twisting slowly in the wind waiting for truth to prevail?
The country is sure getting an increasingly good taste of life under CCP/Globalist/DeepState control. Their goals and tactics are now in public display.
What is going on America?
That is a question worth exploring as from all outward appearances we seem to be living in a communist version of The Twilight Zone."
The military not running in and taking power is forcing the states to take back their rights. If it was done right the federal Gov't is onl supposed to be in charge of security and laws that relate to interstate issues. For instance a ranch in one state blocking all water from traveling downstream to others that use it. We also can start on the city, county level by electing people that represent us.
Would apprciate anyone who will copy and paste LIN's comments.
"Tens of millions of Trump supporters are undoubtedly pulling their hair out and demanding “action” to reverse the fraudulent election and to have President Trump recognized publicly as the President of the United States.
Everyone knows Trump won except the willfully ignorant or those still blinded by their political anti-Trump agenda. The truth is that Trump won bigly.
I believe the military knows it. I am sure the enemy knows it. An increasing number of Americans know it, even some who foolishly supported Joey “Bribes” Biden.
So why the delay?
Why no high profile arrests? Why no use of lawful force? Why are we still twisting slowly in the wind waiting for truth to prevail?
The country is sure getting an increasingly good taste of life under CCP/Globalist/DeepState control. Their goals and tactics are now in public display.
What is going on America?
That is a question worth exploring as from all outward appearances we seem to be living in a communist version of The Twilight Zone."
The military not running in and taking power is forcing the states to take back their rights. If it was done right the federal Gov't is onl supposed to be in charge of security and laws that relate to interstate issues. For instance a ranch in one state blocking all water from traveling downstream to others that use it. We also can start on the city, county level by electing people that represent us.
Yep, 10th Amendment gives powers to the states that are not given specifically to the Federal Gov. The Fed Gov rights are supposedly LIMITED.