Move on bro. It's up to us to forge and craft our own realities. Not a white knight fairy tale story. Do you really think after 2 months of Biden being in power - despite the Q team "having it all" and "patriots in control" - that the military is suddenly gonna round everyone up and ship 'em to Gitmo? What are they waiting for?
Maybe Trump tried, and failed. Maybe Trump never tried, and he was in on it the scam the whole time. Who knows. What we do know is, that "it" hasn't happened and we have almost nothing to make us believe that it will.
Move on bro. It's up to us to forge and craft our own realities. Not a white knight fairy tale story. Do you really think after 2 months of Biden being in power - despite the Q team "having it all" and "patriots in control" - that the military is suddenly gonna round everyone up and ship 'em to Gitmo? What are they waiting for?
Maybe Trump tried, and failed. Maybe Trump never tried, and he was in on it the scam the whole time. Who knows. What we do know is, that "it" hasn't happened and we have almost nothing to make us believe that it will.
Let's master our own destinies friend.
"I don't like what you have to say so you're a shill"