Alright, well someone has to aggregate all the shit into one post for people to make up their own minds. After all, Q told us to ask questions and do our own research, right?
That said, at the heart of the matter is the simple question: 'Does GEORGE news have insider info and/or access to Trump?'
In my opinion the simple answer is no. I haven't yet seen irrefutable proof on any of GEORGE's various accounts (Telegram, YT, etc.) that constitutes such proof.
I'll post the information I have researched to come to this conclusion. Use it as you will.
First, the videos
To me this is the biggest issue that GEORGE needs to address. Every video they have posted on YT and Telegram that seems to have some inside information is simply reposted DoD videos from the DVIDSHUB.NET website.
Here is an example. On GEORGE's YouTube channel, they post this video:
They do not cite the source of the video. The video description simply says: "U.S. Soldiers with the Wisconsin and Illinois National Guard were deputized yesterday, in the U.S. Capitol Building Jan. 18, 2021".
In my opinion, this is on purpose. It leads non-thinkers to believe that GEORGE was there, taking the video.
However if you go to you find the same exact video.
Just about every military based video on their YouTube channel can be found on DVIDSHUB.NET.
Second, the pictures
GEORGE posts pictures that also seem to indicate a high level of security access. However upon further inspection, they seem to be pictures from AFP photographers that are publicly available. One such photographer is well known DC photographer, Brendan Smialowski.
GEORGE posts this picture on Telegram getting people all worked up.
I remember the threads here wondering who GEORGE is and then sifting through pictures looking for a guy with an Apple watch. Misdirected analysis. For GEORGE to be the guy with the Apple watch, it means he's taking a picture with his left hand and then taking ANOTHER picture with his right hand of himself taking a picture with his cell phone in his left hand.
This makes absolutely ZERO sense.
Instead, I believe the person who took that picture was standing just behind the person with the Apple watch, and shot the picture over his left shoulder.
Here is a picture of that same scene from ABC news:
Now let's check out Getty Images. Here's what you can do yourself:
Go to Getty Images:
Search for: Brendan Smialowski
Then on the left side, click on 'SPECIFIC PEOPLE'
It will bring up a few names like Obama, Trump, etc. look below the names and you will see a link titled 'See more specific people >'
Click on that and a popup list will appear. Click on the letter K and then choose 'Kim Jong-Un'.
That should bring you to the photo library for the NK visit. Look through them and compare Smialowski's pictures to the one that George news posted.
Specifically this one:
To me it looks like the GEORGE picture was taken from the same angle (ie. same person) a second or two after the Getty Images picture.
I’ve seen the Brendan Smialowski photo gallery brought up a few times but nobody ever mentions the fact that there are like 12 other people taking photos at the same scene. Their photos are all likely to be similar. Also... the exact picture that was posted by George News isn’t there. So how does this prove anything for or against the photo being exclusive to George? This Brendan guy could BE one of the Georges. The very American looking woman wearing Converse could be one of them. It’s hard to say.
A photographer doesn't put every one of his photos on getty images. Just the ones possible to be bought.
Certainly, a photo of Trump and Un with someone's arm in the way isn't likely to be purchased.
Hence why it doesn’t prove anything?