sure my other videos will be next, so I'll have 5 Q videos with no place to go.
I also don't like having too many accounts,
so I want to go somewhere that I can stay for awhile. Bitchute? Rumble?
sure my other videos will be next, so I'll have 5 Q videos with no place to go.
I also don't like having too many accounts,
so I want to go somewhere that I can stay for awhile. Bitchute? Rumble?
Heard bitchute will be the next purge. Rumble seems ok for the moment. I've been enjoying odysee lately.
thanks and so glad I asked, was about to sign up at BC. don't want to be deleted again. looks like Rumble it will be.
bit shute is from UK i believe. if they havent been purged yet, i doubt it will happen