So there has been alot of complaints about what happened with the unity prayer thread getting removed yesterday. I understand where the frustration is coming from and I would like to offer my thoughts and a way for us to come together and live in the frame work of the mods. We all need to come together an unite. I have consistently posted a daily prayer thread here for over a month now. I at one point was doing 5 prayer related post here in one day. That was allowed for some time. I slowly over time was directed to cut back(which at time was tough for me but I put my ego aside). I now just do the daily thread here. There have only been a select few people to actually engage with me daily on it. I encourage everyone to say there prayers on the thread. I'm now gonna be posting th daily prayer thread at 12 pst noon daily. I believe this is our thread not mine. But those are just words unless you guys help me. I truely believe if we can all come to agreement on one thread to pray on, we stand a far better chance of getting a daily sticky like planefags use to have. United we stand divided we fall. I hope all of you will find the post at noon and give your us all your prayers your heart can say. There are many of us here. I've been praying for this board through post. And the love and support for Prayer and God is so present. Please think about these words and see if God puts it in your heart to become a prayer warrior with us.
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Those with ear to hear let them hear!!
Beautiful friend hope u will join me on the prayer thread at noon and see if we can bring some unity to this board
I have said for a long time now that what we're seeing everywhere is spiritual warfare. Many recognize that, many do not. When people stand in prayer, they become a target, just like our country became an unending target after its righteous Christian beginnings; this is what made our country so unique and so desirable to others from other countries. Certainly, things have gone wrong, sometimes very wrong, but that is the human condition. It's because people have absolutely no knowledge of our country's history as it was being formed that we see such opposition to the importance of prayer. I would challenge those who dismiss prayer as some practice of little importance to search our our true history. It's truly a revelation.
Amen fren I hope you will post on the noon prayer thread so we can unite together through prayer.
Just look out for my daily prayer thread in 3 hours. I'm hoping everyone will just pray there hearts out on it.
Not sure where to go for that.
That's fine hope all is good with u. Important this is that you pray. U can always post on it another day.
Down with the big J but do you have to make it sound so culty?
Leave the promises to the homeless shelters and rehab centers
Maybe dig a little deeper down.
That's a weird thing to hear someone day on a Q board where almost everything is about believing promises that haven't been fully realized yet. Tradox has a good point. Digging into Jesus' promises a little more will help you a lot. That's a promise, lol.