I have never met most people in this forum. I have no incentive to lie here or elsewhere as I do not benefit in any form from it (as the media and black hats do). I’m not saying the General told us specifically to trust the plan and gave a shout out to Q...... because he did not say that. I AM saying that I left my private dinner with him prior to the event feeling like I (We at GAW) have not wasted effort in vain. Nothing solid was offered up...... but enough to confirm without admission that there is work being done and a specific, crucial, time to flip it back from the movie..... I’m not trying to make claims to knowing the plan or give out a false witness. I only hope to give a bit of encouragement at this moment to the weary and doubtful believers amongst us. Maintain your faith and it shall be rewarded.
God I hope this plan plays out sooner than later. Watching what is happening all around is causing some serious depression in people.
Trust the plan. Regardless of what you may hear at public events the media and other DS agents are privy to..... trust the plan.
Our Favorite General is wearing our bracelet.
Trust the plan. Trust in God.
I trust God. I have never met you, but I hope you represent truth.
I have never met most people in this forum. I have no incentive to lie here or elsewhere as I do not benefit in any form from it (as the media and black hats do). I’m not saying the General told us specifically to trust the plan and gave a shout out to Q...... because he did not say that. I AM saying that I left my private dinner with him prior to the event feeling like I (We at GAW) have not wasted effort in vain. Nothing solid was offered up...... but enough to confirm without admission that there is work being done and a specific, crucial, time to flip it back from the movie..... I’m not trying to make claims to knowing the plan or give out a false witness. I only hope to give a bit of encouragement at this moment to the weary and doubtful believers amongst us. Maintain your faith and it shall be rewarded.
I like your answer. It's more than just a phrase.