posted ago by BrainwashedbyTrump ago by BrainwashedbyTrump +156 / -0

So I was a bit confused after watching it the first time, thought it was a bizarre episode. My wife was screaming at me "they validated Q, don't you get it"! I wasn't really having it, then we re-watched it...

Let me explain:

In the beginning, the guy said "I heard Isreal is giving their shots to everyone, I tried to get in, but they wouldn't let me.". This was the first hint at the "elite" being part of Isreal.

Then it shows how The Whites who were following President Garrison were into Q. They mocked us for how we try to break things down and use code to find hidden meanings. They also mocked us by making it seem like only white nationals follow Q. And that we are the ones creating violence with the fighting ( I didnt like that too much but they had to throw in the MSM narrative aspect). Then they created a homeschool business to get kids into thinking the "elite" were pedos and evil people. That's when they went into their spiel about Epstein and all that. It was comedic programming to make something terrible seem less traumatic. Like sorta waking normies up to it in a humorous way (which we all know there is nothing funny about it). I think it was psychological programming to get us prepared. But it was also attempting to make us seem crazy for pushing it on everyone.

Then... Mr. Garrison goes after them for the homeschooling. He goes to the first Lady, and right when she is about to say the shocking truth, Mr service walks in and kills her. Then Garrison goes to the Whites, but the Mr. White takes him to the basement to show him the truth. Right when Mr White is about to show the shocking truth and talking about how much power they have to control people, it cuts off to another scene, showing how they really do control it because don't actually want the truth out there.

Then they leave, and it shows they are in a blizzard, this is the elites manipulating the weather to make it hard for them. During this scene. You start to see the "elites" editing Mr White, taking off his arms, messing with him, turning him into a giant dick and warping reality. Mr Garrison REALIZES THAT Mr WHITE IS RIGHT. This is huge because it Validates Q. Mr Garrison then realizes that in order to get people to actually like him, he would have to sell out The Whites because the elites are more powerful. You see, this is their interpretation of Trump making a deal with the elites to go back to his regular life and be liked again, so he made a deal with them. (Not true in real life tho) They gave him Mr Hand back as a liason between him and the elites. He then walks down the path with Mr White as a giant dick, showing that he chose the elites over the Whites. Then he says, I've got a surprise and all of the sudden a plane from Isreal comes in giving everyone the vaccine. This makes everyone love him again while simultaneously making the Whites look like dicks. This is basically implying that Isreal is the "Elites" Mr White was talking about. This is who Garrison made the deal with.

At the very end. Garrison says, "nice doing business with you Blood sucking pedophiles" basically acknowledging that they actually are actually sick fucks, but that they are so powerful that it's better to do business with them than be against them, thus turning on the Whites.

They validated Q but said they have to follow the elites because we don't have enough power to stop them and they can control us regardless.

That's my interpretation. Please ignore spelling and grammar mistakes. Typing this quickly before work.