This guy can say some crazy, off the wall stuff. Like when he said he would 'eat' his neighbors. Kinda messed up.
But, because CNN has the reputation levels of sewage lines, I don't trust, believe or give one damn about them. They ask for anything that comes to them. They will never get my respect ever.
Mine neither! I happen to every now and then see what my enemy is saying. Was wondering if Cuomo would make the headlines as Newsweek and Fox have. (Both are almost as deranged as CNN IMO) this was the headliner... pushing someone off a stage versus killing 15,000 elderly and 37 sexual harassment allegations
Alex is controlled opposition.
Someone should control his eating and drinking.
Try the bone broth.
Yup, right on time.
"I spoke with Q personally " - Alex 'Mossad' Jones
Did a buy the bone broth
This guy can say some crazy, off the wall stuff. Like when he said he would 'eat' his neighbors. Kinda messed up.
But, because CNN has the reputation levels of sewage lines, I don't trust, believe or give one damn about them. They ask for anything that comes to them. They will never get my respect ever.
Mine neither! I happen to every now and then see what my enemy is saying. Was wondering if Cuomo would make the headlines as Newsweek and Fox have. (Both are almost as deranged as CNN IMO) this was the headliner... pushing someone off a stage versus killing 15,000 elderly and 37 sexual harassment allegations
Hmm, seems like the dominos are falling.
Maybe he caught her puttin' chemicals in the water...