I wasn't nervous just apprehensive. I feel free and empowered.
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I walked into my local gas station without my mask while wearing my “liberalism, find a cure” sweatshirt. Everyone to including their kids had masks on. I was hoping someone say something so I could use a funny post I found here. Let’s play the pretend game, I’ll pretend your mask works and you pretend I’m wearing one. Thanks to whoever post that! I can’t wait to use it.
Your head might be cooler than mine, but anytime someone has asked me to wear a mask my blood boils. Any thought I had about what I would say in that situation goes out the window. Very few things in my life have gotten me that angry.
I hear you. I have turned that anger into confidence. Hopefully giving others the ok to not wear a mask. I have only been asked 3 times to wear a mask out of the hundreds of times going into places, I say I have a medical condition and keep walking with my head held high. And that is in a state with mask mandates. You can do it!
Exactly..me too..only been approached once.