lol I feel so bad for women. They were the very first targets of the deep state and elite cabal. They are so easily manipulated. I am sure I will be downvoted to hell for it.
But there were legitimate reasons only men worked. And only men voted. There were fucking reasons for this. And now we are at the point where we let them serve. It is embarrassing. And we men are just as much at fault. For not being proper head of the household and putting your foot down with this fucking bullshit. My brothers wife has her daughters in brazilian Jiu jitsu. And what do you know. She was military.
Instead of actually teaching those girls how to cook, or dance, or play an instrument, or run a household. Or anything even remotely fucking feminine white women decide to do the opposite. Oh and by the way feminine hobbies are now considered to be sexist. Being a mother is now regarded with disdain by women my age. Selfish to an extreme fault.
Jesus we have fallen. As with Rome. Women are instrumental to the degradation of any society.
Not all women have been manipulated by the nonsense, but many have. However, many men have also been manipulated by the nonsense. My evidence is the many men, young and old, wearing masks in my area, where there has never been a mask mandate and none are required by the local stores. As a maskless woman, I look at them and think how pathetic.
Women have only been manipulated because men allowed them to be. Women are less happy than ever. And now are in more dangerous situations such as the military. Men have failed women.
Women failed themselves by not looking for/recognizing/acknowledging truth, including the truth that there are some jobs women don't belong in, and by perceiving themselves as victims.
lol I feel so bad for women. They were the very first targets of the deep state and elite cabal. They are so easily manipulated. I am sure I will be downvoted to hell for it.
But there were legitimate reasons only men worked. And only men voted. There were fucking reasons for this. And now we are at the point where we let them serve. It is embarrassing. And we men are just as much at fault. For not being proper head of the household and putting your foot down with this fucking bullshit. My brothers wife has her daughters in brazilian Jiu jitsu. And what do you know. She was military.
Instead of actually teaching those girls how to cook, or dance, or play an instrument, or run a household. Or anything even remotely fucking feminine white women decide to do the opposite. Oh and by the way feminine hobbies are now considered to be sexist. Being a mother is now regarded with disdain by women my age. Selfish to an extreme fault.
Jesus we have fallen. As with Rome. Women are instrumental to the degradation of any society.
Not all women have been manipulated by the nonsense, but many have. However, many men have also been manipulated by the nonsense. My evidence is the many men, young and old, wearing masks in my area, where there has never been a mask mandate and none are required by the local stores. As a maskless woman, I look at them and think how pathetic.
Women have only been manipulated because men allowed them to be. Women are less happy than ever. And now are in more dangerous situations such as the military. Men have failed women.
Women failed themselves by not looking for/recognizing/acknowledging truth, including the truth that there are some jobs women don't belong in, and by perceiving themselves as victims.
And who allowed the men to be manipulated?