It is the Jews but there are good Jews too and a lot of people can't comprehend this. This is why Trump had to go to Israel and pose for those photo ops, recognized Jerusalem as the Capitol, and moved the US embassy there. The media (Jewish dominated) will say the Jews are being attacked and oppressed and of course, they'll blame Trump and his supporters.
80% of Democrat Party leadership are Jewish.
73% of the White House Cabinet are Jewish.
Our Federal Reserve is controlled by Jews.
Our CDC is controlled by Jews.
Most popular online platforms like Alphabet, YouTube, Facebook and Reddit are controlled by Jews.
Hollywood and our mainstream media are controlled by Jews.
And they are all working together to kill America from within, like a cancer.
It is the Jews but there are good Jews too and a lot of people can't comprehend this. This is why Trump had to go to Israel and pose for those photo ops, recognized Jerusalem as the Capitol, and moved the US embassy there. The media (Jewish dominated) will say the Jews are being attacked and oppressed and of course, they'll blame Trump and his supporters.
Why should I care when the "good Jews" provide protection for the "bad Jews"?
Am I expected to wait to see which of the Jews slit my throat during the night so I don't offend any of the "good Jews"? /s
Am I expected to eat all of the candy to determine which are deadly, so the "good Jews" don't start accusing me of being a Nazi?
Why should America play the Russian Roulette with five bullets in the cylinder?
Calm down Goat, you're showing your power level too much and most aren't ready yet. Mods here will ban you.
It doesn't hurt to open the Overton Window.
They may not be ready to swallow these red-pills yet, but it's still good to prepare them.
If we win or if we lose, either way they will need to understand by the end.