Before you call me a shill, please watch the two videos side by side. It's clearly the same microphone. It looks odd, but only because the furry "dead cat" sleeve is so big.
I swear to God, I'm this close to leaving this community over dumb shit like this. I was an avid reader of The_Donald, and then, and now this community. I even created some killer memes, particularly one about James Mattis (Didn't age well, I know). I came here because I wanted truth and I wasn't getting truth from the mainstream media, I was getting wild conspiracy theories. While it still has some value, This site has devolved into completely baseless and wild claims about video manipulation made by people who don't even know the difference between Adobe Lightroom and After Effects. Please. Enough.
I am backing up RaymondBPanelli to the HILT...If one would take the video and do do stop/start at the time RPB is suggestin, one would clearly see the evidence...
Don't look at the fuzzy or the other mike...LOOK AT THE HANDS AND THE EVERYTHING COMES INTO FOCUS...
It is kinda like looking at a target through a scope that is a mile away and the focus is the target...using the peripheral vision and that is what has to be done here.
I swear to God, I'm this close to leaving this community over dumb shit like this. I was an avid reader of The_Donald, and then, and now this community. I even created some killer memes, particularly one about James Mattis (Didn't age well, I know). I came here because I wanted truth and I wasn't getting truth from the mainstream media, I was getting wild conspiracy theories. While it still has some value, This site has devolved into completely baseless and wild claims about video manipulation made by people who don't even know the difference between Adobe Lightroom and After Effects. Please. Enough.
Before you call me a shill, please watch the two videos side by side. It's clearly the same microphone. It looks odd, but only because the furry "dead cat" sleeve is so big.
I swear to God, I'm this close to leaving this community over dumb shit like this. I was an avid reader of The_Donald, and then, and now this community. I even created some killer memes, particularly one about James Mattis (Didn't age well, I know). I came here because I wanted truth and I wasn't getting truth from the mainstream media, I was getting wild conspiracy theories. While it still has some value, This site has devolved into completely baseless and wild claims about video manipulation made by people who don't even know the difference between Adobe Lightroom and After Effects. Please. Enough.
And yet foreground elements consistently go behind him.
You're not convincing anyone.
Nice disinfo agenda you got there. Would be a shame if people basic logic'd it.
The size of the microphone is immaterial, when it literally goes BEHIND HIM.
But hey, nice linkage to a cartoon avatar'd Twitter account who celebrates being a degenerate, for all that hard hitting investigation.
I am backing up RaymondBPanelli to the HILT...If one would take the video and do do stop/start at the time RPB is suggestin, one would clearly see the evidence...
Don't look at the fuzzy or the other mike...LOOK AT THE HANDS AND THE EVERYTHING COMES INTO FOCUS...
It is kinda like looking at a target through a scope that is a mile away and the focus is the target...using the peripheral vision and that is what has to be done here.
I swear to God, I'm this close to leaving this community over dumb shit like this. I was an avid reader of The_Donald, and then, and now this community. I even created some killer memes, particularly one about James Mattis (Didn't age well, I know). I came here because I wanted truth and I wasn't getting truth from the mainstream media, I was getting wild conspiracy theories. While it still has some value, This site has devolved into completely baseless and wild claims about video manipulation made by people who don't even know the difference between Adobe Lightroom and After Effects. Please. Enough.
Do you think your “threat” to leave this community makes anyone care? Bahahahaha.... hahahahA...
I uploaded my own debunking here. Watch it... or don't. Your choice.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out!