Translation: "I initially posted, claiming that it had been DEBOONKED by some Twitter anime fag, and upon being called out on it, I uploaded a side by side comparison to my personal Youtube account, which doesn't actually support my claim but I keep claiming it does every time I repeatedly spam it in comment replies to the same fucking guy multiple times"
Bruh what more do you need. Watch the mic in the two angles. Anyone with a sense of spacial awareness can see that the second angle explains the oddness of the first.
The angle is almost 45 degrees different. It doesn't match up 100% especially for the side to side movements, but the up and down movement is perfectly synced, except for the end, when the operater rotates the mic out of the shot.
Prepare for downvotes lol. I made my own debunking and am getting a lot of shit lol.
Translation: "I initially posted, claiming that it had been DEBOONKED by some Twitter anime fag, and upon being called out on it, I uploaded a side by side comparison to my personal Youtube account, which doesn't actually support my claim but I keep claiming it does every time I repeatedly spam it in comment replies to the same fucking guy multiple times"
Bruh what more do you need. Watch the mic in the two angles. Anyone with a sense of spacial awareness can see that the second angle explains the oddness of the first.
It doesn't match up at all.
The angle is almost 45 degrees different. It doesn't match up 100% especially for the side to side movements, but the up and down movement is perfectly synced, except for the end, when the operater rotates the mic out of the shot.