Question: How would normies react if they found out that massive election fraud was committed in order to install a CGI avatar as leader of the Free World?
I think a lot of them might at least be a little concerned...even moreso when it becomes clear that the media played a major role in perpetuating the scam. Also, the Biden avatar has been crapping all over the so-called "progressive" wing of the party since being installed and has been acting in every way as a true Uni-Party typical Warmongering scumbag. There is significant buyer's remorse all over Libtard social media, especially among so called "progressives", that is growing every day that cartoon Biden is supposedly in charge.
At the very least, the fact that the USA is being fronted by a computer generated avatar is a very serious National Security crisis...a big enough crisis to justify military intervention...that's for sure.
Hmmm...I like where this may be heading.
Looking forward to the upcoming "press conference" next week. Maybe there will be some more CGI fuckery for all the world to see prime time Live.
"Wag the Dog."
... don't count on the mic thing waking anyone up. However his head disappearing in the side of a wall, that's hienky stuff
I must have missed this one. Do you have a link? I’d love to see that!
Another anon posted this video where the top of joe's head disappears.
I agree, I think he's some kind of avatar/costume when necessary. makes me wonder who's behind the mask... also leads to the question; where's the real JB?
Hopefully executed.
What's happening here is they pre-record everything they want Biden doing, including inauguration, and then fix it in post.
The video of him meeting with reporters is real, the mics are not. Probably because the "reporters" are staffers or whatever, and there's like 4 of them there vs the dozens Trump had. So they add mics in post to make the scene look "busy".
I can't wait to see Joe Headroom explode into a mountain of pixels in front of the entire world.