This could entirely be a coincidence, who knows, but shortly after receiving the vaccine my mother in law was diagnosed with a rare lung condition that usually shows up in people who have worked many years in factories or around asbestos. She has never worked in factories or around asbestos and because this is so rare in people who haven't, her doctor believes it is from an autoimmune disorder. She has been told she has around 2-3 years to live and we are all devastated by this shocking news. Not saying it is from the vaccine but it seems mighty suspicious.
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Plenty of doctors have been warning about the risk of developing autoimmune disorders after receiving the vaccine. This is nothing new unfortunately.
Sorry for the bad news though. Did you try warning her? My parents also want to take it but they won't even listen to my reasoning. It's unfortunate because I feel the same thing will probably happen to them within a few years if not sooner.
She knew the risks, I did try warning her :(
Ah ya I hear you. It's sad how the older generation can be so stuck in their ways. They grew up believing everything they see on the news and it seems that you can't shake that from them.
Yep, and they believe doctors are “gods”. I have tried to tell folks over the years that docs get their protocol from organizations like the AMA who get their info from sketchy science in many cases. Think of all the foods over the years that were good, then bad, then good, etc.
Sadly, It seems every profession has been bought out and cannot be trusted.