All prayer warriors and children of God we need your help. We are trying to spread the spirit of God over on the we are asking for help thru out the day, posting prayers scripture or just praise for our God. Many of us expressed frustration for religous post getting blocked here. I understand why you felt that way and hope u will take that frustration and direct it to positive things over on patriot. We are all in this together. I love you all. God wins
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Those who I'm speaking to know what I'm asking for. Positive prayers scripture or just praising the creator. Follow your heart if u feel called
The only one that isn't dead in a grave somewhere. I'm with that guy.
There is only one GOD. As for religion, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, it doesn't matter. GOD listens to all who call on Him with a humble heart.
Great response friend. Couldnt find words I wanted but yours are perfect. Thank u keep it up prayer warrior