97 Potential Med-Bed Use? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by arkham2024 3 years ago by arkham2024 +98 / -1 30 comments download share 30 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
if med beds were real? why did RBG die?
Sealed execution like No Name, the traitor? Just spitballing here....
med beds are pushed by Project Camelot.
Project Camelot is CIA dis-info.
I see med bed, i downvote and deport for larp
Sucks, they sound nice. It all does.
pretty sure med beds where in the video DJT made for KJU, but I'll have to look.
Pardon me while I decide not to belive your air noodles without sauce.
you are free to make your own mistakes.
you should know, med beds are pushed by the same people who push flat earth, lizard people, hologram planes and energy weapons took down the towers. its all designed to distract people from the truth.
Because she was 100 years old on her third bout of pancreatic cancer.
Yes exactly. Med beds destroy cancer cells though right?
In theory but it is hard to quantify. I am unaware of such certainty although some make claims.