445 Every State Should Have a Governor Who Thinks Like This (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by hondais1 3 years ago by hondais1 +445 / -0 27 comments download share 27 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I wish he were my governor. Even tho ours is a "republican" she is a gutless wonder who constantly renews the "mask mandate". What a joke.
"OnE wEeK tO sToP tHe SpReAd!!!!11!!!!1111!!!!"
Actually it was 15 days to stop the spread over a year ago. Look where we are now!!
Under the grip of a medical tyranny so insidious and unscientific, yet millions adhere to the mandates like good subjects or bad students of history...
Ivey or someone else?
Ivey. Will never vote for her again.
I knew it!