posted ago by AppleSauceBoss ago by AppleSauceBoss +90 / -0


Waged blitzkrieg public opinion 'green' campaign against plastic bags with ADN, Local news stations.

Quickly passed anti-plastic bag laws and ordinances requiring local small businesses to

  1. start charging customers for plastic bags by the bag.

  2. Quickly use up their inventory or destroy it. Many wound up destroying/sending to landfill. Every one questioned the reasoning. We were all asleep.

  3. required customers to purchase crappy long lasting 'reusable' plastic bags. if you forgot yours, you wound up paying 3-5$ everytime you went to the store to avoid hassle of carrying out stuff without a bag.

  4. Everyone mad

Fast forward a couple weeks ENTER COVID

  1. Oh no, your heavy duy long lasting plastic bags that you have 20+ of instead of 20 tiny plastic bags are no longer allowed because they can't be sanitized. Can't use those anymore. Throw them out.

  2. The plastic grocery bags are now allowed again, for our safety. Oh you just threw away your entire inventory? Too bad. Restock :)

  3. oh and charge customers 5cents each on the plastic bags now too.


  1. see local anchorage daily news rag, which is available online digitally, piled up 6 deep cuz they are forced to give it away now, because no one believes thier shit after their anti-trump, anti-small business, anti-citizen months of propaganda