They couldn't buried the story about the 8 black teens that raped an Asian woman at the park. And the Cali (((asian rally against white supremacy))) because 8 black teens raped an Asian woman was so ridiculous! it got tons of backlash from Asians.........SO!!! they came up with the massage parlor false flag...planted a white guy...fake a shooting. To hammered in the narrative that WHITE hates ASIAN! and people can forget about all the "black on asian" crimes.
In the case that the StopAsianHate doesn't turn into a "white people bad"...they flipped it to the next false flag shooting. As for some odd reasons....both AR-15.
If the Colorado shooting isn't an inside job I don't know what is. Same with the Asian hate hysteria, probably drummed up by BLM/Antifa.
The Asian Hate is 100% made up lol.
That one is a 2 birds one stone.
They couldn't buried the story about the 8 black teens that raped an Asian woman at the park. And the Cali (((asian rally against white supremacy))) because 8 black teens raped an Asian woman was so ridiculous! it got tons of backlash from Asians.........SO!!! they came up with the massage parlor false flag...planted a white guy...fake a shooting. To hammered in the narrative that WHITE hates ASIAN! and people can forget about all the "black on asian" crimes.
In the case that the StopAsianHate doesn't turn into a "white people bad"...they flipped it to the next false flag shooting. As for some odd reasons....both AR-15.