Prior to DJT being in power, it was all business as usual. Those of us who were aware of the evil and corruption just took it day by day, not knowing how a change would ever occur. When 45 stepped in and gave us a new hope, MSM went ballistic, and ended up poisoning as many wells as possible. My marriage is nearly dead, my relationship with my son - who was indoctrinated at university has deteriorated, and my leftist sisters don’t communicate with me anymore. This has been an excruciating past few years. I’m running out of steam, and I’m sure I’m not the only one.
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My mother thinks I am delusional and even called me a zealot because of how devoted in my faith I am. But then she complains when I don't call her and talk to her all the time. I have no one, my father died almost a year ago and he was the only other sane person. (March 30) I feel like he is the lucky one because he isn't still alive to deal with this shit show where you often wonder if you are the saine one because of how messed up reality seems to be these days. As others have said you are not alone.
You have us!!!