If you don't believe in conspiracy theories, you shouldn't believe in coincidences either. Dems and DS want to ban guns more than anything else. As soon as they thought they could muscle it into law they tried and failed. EVERYONE who is awake knew that a shooting event would happen and it did. They run the same play over and over. These crazy people who do the shooting are always triggered to act to keep killings and guns in the news and push the anti-gun narrative at precisely the times we've learned to expect..
Personally, I'd like to know how that triggering is done. We surmise it's some form of MK Ultra process There must be a list of people known to someone in a 3 letter agency that are primed and ready to go over the edge at just the right time. We need to find the people involved in this. There has to be something in common between all these mass shooters that ties them to someone or something. Is it a drug that's slipped into a prescription med they are taking? Is it something mailed to them? Is it a person they bump into? We need a whistle-blower to step forward.
Catcher in the Rye
is this a john lennon reference?
Sort of. Also Hinckley and Sirhan IIRC