Foe Chiden Isn't My President ℹ️ ⚔️ Information Warfare ⚔️ ℹ️
posted ago by TurdFergueson ago by TurdFergueson +24 / -0

This, "Administration" is a joke. I am pretty sure that it is a literal one too. Even though many things that are certainly not funny are happening, I have not found a single person that takes this new, "Administration" seriously. For reals. It's a joke. And I believe it was intended to be that way. Even when Kamaltoe becomes prez, still a joke. No respect. And rightfully no respect. They deserve none. They have earned none.

Nothing productive has been done, only destructive. The economy is suffering immensely, our rights are being stripped, liberty is but a dream, and the upside down is being presented as, "normal". And the injection of the new norms is being rejected. Confusion is spreading like wildfire, at a better pace than the, "Plandemic". Trump is on the low low. And understandably so. People are waiting for 2020 to be rectified. And refusing 2022 and 2024. Good job people, there is no 2022 or 2024 until 2020 is rectified.

The plan is going accordingly I believe. Whatever the plan might be. The news is fake, a distraction from the reals. Our nation is going through change. Contested states are holding investigations finally. Really good news. MSM not covering it. Even better news. Expect more distractions is what I say. But nothing can stop what has been set into motion.

We are awoken, it might be tough, but it is worth it. Because it's playing out. In my life, people are talking. I don't even have to, all I have to do is agree and throw in interesting thoughts thier way for them to feed on. It's great.

Good stuff is going on in my opinion. And eyeballs and brains are opening everywhere. Take this opinion piece for what you will. Just throwing out some things for you to read. But I'm feeling good about the situation.

Peace and Love fellow Patriots. and Foe Chiden isn't my prezidenturd.