posted ago by mizzAmerica45 ago by mizzAmerica45 +247 / -1

So I work as a home healthcare provider and one of the elderly women I was working for tested Positive 2 and 1/2 weeks ago. I was with her for 2 days when she was sick. So I was definitely exposed to it. When she was finally tested positive for Covid, I had to go get tested to see if I had it. I tested Negative for both covid and the antibodies. Today, I was just tested once again. And again it said I was Negative for the covid but Positive for the antibodies! I wasn't sick and had no cough. I wouldn't have even known I had anything. My body was apparently strong enough to fight it off on its own. I wasn't planning on getting the vaccine, but now I have even more reason not to. I am very proud of my immune system. ? And it's also a very good reason for why not everyone needs to get a vaccination for something that their body can fight on its own. Just thought I would share this with you all. Thanks for reading! And I wish you all the best of luck and success too if you happen to get covid.