My daughter and son in law (sil) are middle of the road, maybe even conservative leaning. But they hate Trump, especially my aeronautical engineer sil, hate hate HATES him with a passion. We had such a big fight about it once (he'd been drinking and wouldn't drop it) that I have to refuse to even discuss politics with him at all.
They're staying with me right now while they look for a house. Tonight we all took our dogs outside before bed and he walked over and stood beside me. Looking around the yard, he quietly (sadly?) said "I find myself missing Trump". I was stunned and said nothing. He turned and walked slowly into the house.
I.......I can't EVEN.
Be a guide, don’t gloat he needs you. Be proud of it ?
Not an I told you so person, I wouldn't dare even comment on it.
I'm just going to quietly let that simmer and grow.
My son and I had essentially the same argument. On election night my math/stats major son at 2am told me it was almost impossible for Trump to lose given the state of play at the time. He also said, "I don't want him to win, but I don't want him to lose because they cheated."
He isn't saying much now, but for some reason I think the Game Stop thing has him thinking twice. He's pretty young and if he's anything like me at his age stubborn Instead of pushing Trump, I just say things more George Carlinish, like "It's a big club and we ain't in it." I think the fact that there really is a deep state is starting to sink in. He may not like Trump still. But I think he is starting to understand why people like me do.
Truth! It was the media that made it about Trump. This...ALL OF THIS... is not about Donald Trump. This is about America and our way of life. We chose Trump because he was willing to say what others wouldn't and because he was willing to be the lightning rod. Now that he's not "in office" and they are able to see just how fucked up everything is it is becoming impossible for them to keep blaming Trump for it and the TDS is wearing off on those who still have brains enough to think. The beautiful simplicity of it makes me really think that Patriots are truly in control.