I was a US Civilian Mariner (aka merchant marine) for 16 years or so and a licensed officer for the last 4 years. I recently changed professions due to a welcome addition to my family that I can't bear to leave for months at a time! I'm not here to tell you the Ever Given situation isn't meaningful, I think it is. What I can do is tell you what it's like to live and work in the industry, share my training and experience with large ocean going vessels. Basically I'd like to help dispel nonsense so we can all get to the truth and look good doing it!
I just got off work and I'm starting my weekend, so I'll be back to answer any questions after a good sleep.
No questions. Thank you for this post. Informative and enjoyable.
I'm enjoying it too. Wondering if this might be good redpill thread for my engineering sil.
Just ask him “what do you think about that ship in the Suez?” Engineers love to theorize about stuff (I’m surrounded by them in my fam)— it’s a way to open his mind about what is possible, what is plausible. I think the more you just ask him probing questions the less he will just dismiss things and start to open his mind.