I woke up from a dream this morning and immediately started laying this out in my head..
Trump seems to be the "master of cards" so in card lingo, what do you do before you deal? You put in your ante.. Ante usually means to place your bet, put money on the table, except for when used in a prefix..
The Prefix to Ante is "prior to" or "before"
The AnteChrist would be an individual whom came prior to Christ returning. The Streets of heaven will be paved with Gold... When you pave the way, you make the way to something. A person, place, or thing.
It seemed to me that Trump was paving the way to something incredible, potentially a heaven on earth so to speak. And he is doing it through Precious metals, such as gold. Our fiat currency is the heart of corruption on this plane of existence.
One single changing of the lettering in current english changes its entire meaning. And through all the rewrites of the bible and translations, it is certainly possibly that certain negative tidbits about the possibility of an AnteChrist coming could have been inserted.
We know that Good Defeats evil, so why are we worried about Satan coming? I do not believe thats a marker we would want to watch for.. (Maybe someone like the Pope Might be interested in his return) But as God Loving Humans, I believe that through the gracious and beautiful gospel that we talked about positive things, things good in the heart, not things to make us worry. Which is what leads me to believe that a simple letter was changed from an E to an I and every mention of his name has been smeared with evil..
I would be really interested to see whats on those new SEA scrolls...
Well... except for the passage, Matthew 24:36 KJV: "But of that day and hour knoweth no man ..." Still, Christ was preceded by one crying in the wilderness, John the Baptist... and DJT's middle name IS John. I keep recalling the story about the hermit Monk of Loreto, who back in the 1980s prophesied that Donald Trump would bring America back to God. I know my own prayer and meditation life has taken on new vigor since Trump came into office.
Side note: About your dream.... as I lay half awake and half asleep this morning, I started my day with my morning prayer, and as I prayed for America and a truly Great Awakening, I suddenly felt like I was just one of many millions of people praying for the same thing. It was an amazing, joyous feeling, that everything will be alright and that with millions of us praying on the same theme, that might let God know that we are serious, we are ready, and we are awake.
That unity feeling lasted several minutes until I began to awaken fully, but I won't ever forget that little bit of divine inspiration and insight I was given.
I can confirm this feeling, been happening for me since 2015...ive felt it alot more since end of 2019 when we all felt fuckery afoot. i truly believe the voices are becoming in unison and its beautiful. Im always asking friends and family some times strangers if I feel compelled, "do you feel it" some say yes. others look at me like I'm batshit
I've had similar experiences... although I don't ask people, a few folks have told me independently that they have had this feeling that something is about to happen. The closest person to me in this Great Awakening has been my nephew, and he has said repeatedly that he "has this feeling" that he can't explain, like we are on the cusp of something that is indefinable, and yet of great momentous expectation. We have entered the realm of the spirit, and something is binding us all together right now... lightly at first, but I expect the bond will strengthen in coming days.