Exactly what I came here to say. I looked on a couple of sites like that recently, to annoy myself apparently, and that's all I see. Take the guns away ... no one needs a gun that can .... It's as if they believe that some law is going to cause everyone to turn in their guns and no shooting will ever occur again? What about all the criminals w/ unregistered guns in the first place? The govt. has no clue they even have them, why would they ever turn them in??? So they no doubt will still have their guns. They can do whatever they want at that point. And not one of these sites blames the shooter who has multiple priors of being violent and prob should not have had a gun, just the gun. In fact, they blame everyone else for every single thing that ever happens, anywhere. Everything has an excuse, or is someone else's fault. But they stick up for the shooter and say he was bullied!! As if that gives him a pass. The constant, intense propaganda, I assume, has caused common sense in a whole lot of people to go right out the window, assuming a lot of people had any in the first place. IMHO.
all the MSM this morning is on "gun violence" narrative.
guns are not violent.
people trying to kill me are violent.
guns make them go away
Exactly what I came here to say. I looked on a couple of sites like that recently, to annoy myself apparently, and that's all I see. Take the guns away ... no one needs a gun that can .... It's as if they believe that some law is going to cause everyone to turn in their guns and no shooting will ever occur again? What about all the criminals w/ unregistered guns in the first place? The govt. has no clue they even have them, why would they ever turn them in??? So they no doubt will still have their guns. They can do whatever they want at that point. And not one of these sites blames the shooter who has multiple priors of being violent and prob should not have had a gun, just the gun. In fact, they blame everyone else for every single thing that ever happens, anywhere. Everything has an excuse, or is someone else's fault. But they stick up for the shooter and say he was bullied!! As if that gives him a pass. The constant, intense propaganda, I assume, has caused common sense in a whole lot of people to go right out the window, assuming a lot of people had any in the first place. IMHO.