Lets compare a few things Q told us and what Ghost Ezra is telling us on the same topic:
Flat Earth Q was asked by an anon if we can rest the topic once and for all. Is the eart flat? Q: No it’s round Ghost Ezra is telling us the earth is flat and to wake up.
Moon landing Q was asked by an anon if the moon landing was fake? Q: We were at the moon Ghost Ezra is telling us we weren’t at the moon and to wake up.
Most important topic: NO OUTSIDE COMMS Ghost Ezra is pretending to be Ezra Cohen-Watnick. He pretends to have ties to the plan and DJT. Either you trust Q or Ghost Ezra. One of them is a LARP so be careful who you follow fellow pedes.
I know everyone is here for hopium but he is getting shared more and more on this page so I just wanted to clear that up.
Ghostezra is a fucking larp worse than George.
The only thing GhostEzra says I agree with is that Bidan is an actor and everything we are watching is a movie. It's obvious this guy isn't the same as the Biden that was VP. Compare 2008 photos to current. Now, as for who is controlling this guy, that's up for debate.
I have looked closely at the photos of old and the new Biden and I'm not buying anymore that it's an actor, rather it looks like Biden just had a facelift. I saw the animation that GhostEzra posted that morphs from the old Biden to the new, but to me it just shows how his skin was pulled back by the facelift.