Weekly Discussion Thread - March 29th - April 4th
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Borrowed this, sounds appropriate
Calm down about the shot... WWG1WGA posted 15 hours ago by NanaQ45 +309 / -3 This has been authorized under an emergency use authorization. It can not be forced upon us. That is the very thing the Nuremberg trials were about. The Hague just accepted a case against Israel for forced vaccinations. Many people were executed for this type of behavior. This is precisely what the Nazis did to the Jews in concentration camps. It's called medical coercion and it's internationally recognized as a Crime Against Humanity. This is still an EXPERIMENT! The criminal trials will begin against this administration in the Hague as well.
The government does a lot of things they "can't" do. I will be out of a job trying to figure out how to support my family for a while before there is a decision from an internal court.
My work has called each of us to tell us we have to get the vaxxx if we want to come back to the office. I said no thanks, and they told me I'd have to remain working from home. Oh no.
My work has to be done in person so I can get the vax or stay home on unpaid leave
You know the right answer to that! Trump gave our country endless jobs, so be safe.