Great song, great writer, so what did u expect, to feel nothing when listening to his music?
All the greats touch on darkness from time to time cuz they’re honest. And that’s why they’re never too popular. The one example are the Beatles, who got a pretty dark for their time, but obviously we all know how that ended... remember, Lennon was sucked into the activists bullshit, saw it for what it was, and distanced himself ....the fbi and cia weren’t mad cuz he was involved with activists - the cia and fbi WERE the activists - they didn’t like that he didn’t wanna play ball cuz he got wise to the game.
Regardless, prine is an alright dude. Shines thru in his songs, storytelling, interviews, stories about him, who he was around etc
If you wanna actually have some concern, you should be looking in the most obvious places - overproduced garbage music of the bigger genres of pop/modern country/modern hip hop. Especially artists where it’s some unknown no name who gets the actual writing credits. If satan hides anywhere, it’s in plain site, not in John prine.
I see your confusion tho esp if that was your first glance at prine or at that song .
Great song, great writer, so what did u expect, to feel nothing when listening to his music? All the greats touch on darkness from time to time cuz they’re honest. And that’s why they’re never too popular. The one example are the Beatles, who got a pretty dark for their time, but obviously we all know how that ended... remember, Lennon was sucked into the activists bullshit, saw it for what it was, and distanced himself ....the fbi and cia weren’t mad cuz he was involved with activists - the cia and fbi WERE the activists - they didn’t like that he didn’t wanna play ball cuz he got wise to the game.
Regardless, prine is an alright dude. Shines thru in his songs, storytelling, interviews, stories about him, who he was around etc
If you wanna actually have some concern, you should be looking in the most obvious places - overproduced garbage music of the bigger genres of pop/modern country/modern hip hop. Especially artists where it’s some unknown no name who gets the actual writing credits. If satan hides anywhere, it’s in plain site, not in John prine.
I see your confusion tho esp if that was your first glance at prine or at that song .
Look here!
Look here!
Don't look here!
This dude is just a fuckin weirdo. Sounds like a confession to me.
Agreed !!
What the hell is this?!!
6 o'clock news, bodies found, faces disfigured, blood, black and white shadows? WTF is this guy talking about?
Shit he knows about.