Q wrote in post 749 "The end wont be for everyone"..
.A lot of people in our modern society are sheep and thus afraid of making decisions of their own. I think its a mix of low IQ a swell as a strive for comfort and material obsession . And as Q stated "the end will not be for everyone"..Maybe the hard truth a lot of anons has been trying to ignore is in fact that all the people that will take the vaccin will die..And the patriots is counting on it.
Maybe the white hats intended it so because they understand a lot of people (far more then 4-6%) wont be abel to change and function in the new society of enlightenment and prosperity. They wont be abel to compete with the thought that they have been lied to their entire lifes (ego issues) and becomes a danger to the new society the international patriot alliance is trying to create world wide?
And to be honest, what could they do? The patriots i think see it as this, people will get a choice..Some will chose right and some will chose wrong..In the end tho, they cant say that no one tried to warn them..They just didnt want to hear. So no guilt associated with Trump and the patriots in my book.
Let the sheep and the lions be born. Thoughts?
I remember hearing how Jehova Witnesses believed only 144,000 people would be brought into heaven... I wondered how that could be that so few made the right choice.
They believe only a few special 144k make it to heaven but the rest who make it will live on a new transformed earth.
There are those that believe the 144000 are here to help us ascend. we go on to a higher realm they call 5D or fifth density and the 144,000 will go onto heaven or seventh density. I'm just a casual observer so I may be wrong abit, but you can search around for star seeds and the higher densities if interested.