Matthew Raphael Johnson, Ph.D. explains why monarchy is superior to democracy. Democracy is essentially an oligarchy with 'voting' to give the masses the illusion that their opinion matters when in fact it is the will of those who control the money that backed the 'elected' official that matters. Let us always remember that each time we pray the Our Father we are asking for Kingdom of God, not a masonic democracy. Heaven is a Monarchy, so too should be the kingdoms of Earth.
To understand the Spanish Civil War of 1936, you have to go back to the Spanish Civil War of 1820.
The Masonic Revolution unleashed in France 1879 was not an isolated affair. It was the inauguration of the Revolutionary Era still ongoing.
Grand Orient Freemasonry (set up with Rothschild $) was the school and training ground of the international Masonic Revolution.
The objective of the Grand Orient (probably an operation of the Knights Templar - surpressed in the 14th century by the King of France and the pope) was to overthrow “both throne and altar on the tomb of [Templar Grand Master] Jacques de Molay.” Albert Pike. Morals and Dogma. 1871, p. 824.
This means the Catholic monarchies, the Catholic Church and the papacy.
The basis of Western Civilization was to be destroyed. Dominum mundi was the Catholic order of state and church subject to the Kingship of Christ.
Our Lord did not found a movement, an idealism, a cafeteria, a religion, a political party or a state.
He founded one universal order: the Church with a commission to teach all nations (ethne) and baptise them (Matt 28:29). This order has a mandate from the reigning Christ to restore (on the basis of His atonement)and regenerate the human race in the likeness (holiness) of God - the likeness that was lost due to original sin.
Thus the Church is called to baptise. The Church is called to institute and perpetuate “the worship of God in Spirit and in Truth” (John 23:24). This is the re-presentation to all generations of the Lord’s one, all sufficient and eternal sacrifice for sins forever: the holy, sacrifice of the mass or eucharist.
The Church is called and calls nations to be holy. The Church is catholic - universal, for all nations. The Church is Apostolic - founded upon the prophets and the apostles: their teaching and canons. Through the Apostolic succession, the Church has a living source of authority.
This authority is vested in the Apostoles, their successors in the Apostolic Patriarchates, the bishops in ecumenical council together with the Holy See of Ss Peter and Paul or the Successor of Peter - the Pope. This government is commissioned to teach true faith, true doctrines of the faith and true morals.
What follows from this government is the magisterium of the Church -what the Church has everywhere and constantly taught and interpret it anew for every generation according to what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Church.
This is the order to which Catholic Spain with monarchy and people belonged. Bottom line, Spain of 1820 and 1936 was a Catholic nation founded as a Catholic nation by St. James, the Apostle. This is what the Masonic Revolution proposed to overthrow in Spain when they unleashed their revolutionary forces in 1820.
In 1812, the Spanish Legislative Assembly (the Cortez) was obviously white-anted with masons who did not share the Catholic faith of the Spanish nation. They politicked a constitution that recognized King Ferdinand VII as the King of Spain. But the new Trieno constitution contained provisions that were thoroughly at variance with the magisterium of the Church.
Notably, the constitution provided for laissez faire economics and banking - guarrantees that under the Trieno, the market would be free to work of itself.
No government founded upon Apostolic Law would ever permit a constitution of this nature.
In the first place, it is a brazen lie to designate such a market as ‘free’. There is no such thing as a ‘free’ market. You either have a market with checks and balances that operate on the basis of fair laws. Or you have a market where the Money Power dominates and makes the rules. Unless the government makes laws to compel the Money Power to obey laws, and especially laws governing the issue of credit, then the ownership of the entire nation will swiftly pass into the hands whoever issues the credit.
The King Ferdinand saw this. And so did the Catholic Church. The Catholic King had no mandate to govern under masonic rules in the interest of the Money Power. He was responsible before God and the Church to promote Apostolic government in the interests of the nation - the population of which was Catholic.
He used his executive power of veto (recognized by the constitution) to can the Trieno that the masons had drawn up.
The masonic revolutionary forces retaliated by storming the King’s palace and taking him hostage and they unleashed civil war across the nation. France eventually intervened.
With the help of the Catholic Church and the backing of other nations, King Ferdinand’s nephew Louis-Antoine raised an army - 100,000 Sons of St Louis. They invaded Spain and defeated the revolutionaries and restored King Ferdinand.
All that is usually narrated in history about the civil war of 1820 is the severe measures used by the King and the Catholic government to deal with the masonic partisans and their backers (the Jews).
The Catholic Church and the Catholic nation of Spain will be forever vilified in the historical accounts because they took up arms against the masonic revolutionaries hell-bent upon destroying their government, their heritage, their faith and instituting debt slavery.
This revolutionary dialectic was played out in Spain for over a century until the civil war of 1936, when the Grand Orient, its masonic partisans - now Bolshevists visited a terrible vengeance upon Spain.
God intended for His people to be a theocracy. They only reason He gave them a King ( Saul) was because they didn't wanted judges. They wanted a king. God got tired of listening to them whine. God told them you're not going to like it but here is your king.
Jacobins/Revolutionaries took the country hostage and gained control of the country. Monarchy abolished.
Why do the Freemasons hate Monarchy?
They can't control them. Also, if it is an absolute monarchy the people answer to them instead of themselves. Those are just my guesses.
Matthew Raphael Johnson, Ph.D. explains why monarchy is superior to democracy. Democracy is essentially an oligarchy with 'voting' to give the masses the illusion that their opinion matters when in fact it is the will of those who control the money that backed the 'elected' official that matters. Let us always remember that each time we pray the Our Father we are asking for Kingdom of God, not a masonic democracy. Heaven is a Monarchy, so too should be the kingdoms of Earth.
To understand the Spanish Civil War of 1936, you have to go back to the Spanish Civil War of 1820.
The Masonic Revolution unleashed in France 1879 was not an isolated affair. It was the inauguration of the Revolutionary Era still ongoing.
Grand Orient Freemasonry (set up with Rothschild $) was the school and training ground of the international Masonic Revolution.
The objective of the Grand Orient (probably an operation of the Knights Templar - surpressed in the 14th century by the King of France and the pope) was to overthrow “both throne and altar on the tomb of [Templar Grand Master] Jacques de Molay.” Albert Pike. Morals and Dogma. 1871, p. 824.
This means the Catholic monarchies, the Catholic Church and the papacy.
The basis of Western Civilization was to be destroyed. Dominum mundi was the Catholic order of state and church subject to the Kingship of Christ.
Our Lord did not found a movement, an idealism, a cafeteria, a religion, a political party or a state.
He founded one universal order: the Church with a commission to teach all nations (ethne) and baptise them (Matt 28:29). This order has a mandate from the reigning Christ to restore (on the basis of His atonement)and regenerate the human race in the likeness (holiness) of God - the likeness that was lost due to original sin.
Thus the Church is called to baptise. The Church is called to institute and perpetuate “the worship of God in Spirit and in Truth” (John 23:24). This is the re-presentation to all generations of the Lord’s one, all sufficient and eternal sacrifice for sins forever: the holy, sacrifice of the mass or eucharist.
The Church is called and calls nations to be holy. The Church is catholic - universal, for all nations. The Church is Apostolic - founded upon the prophets and the apostles: their teaching and canons. Through the Apostolic succession, the Church has a living source of authority.
This authority is vested in the Apostoles, their successors in the Apostolic Patriarchates, the bishops in ecumenical council together with the Holy See of Ss Peter and Paul or the Successor of Peter - the Pope. This government is commissioned to teach true faith, true doctrines of the faith and true morals.
What follows from this government is the magisterium of the Church -what the Church has everywhere and constantly taught and interpret it anew for every generation according to what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Church.
This is the order to which Catholic Spain with monarchy and people belonged. Bottom line, Spain of 1820 and 1936 was a Catholic nation founded as a Catholic nation by St. James, the Apostle. This is what the Masonic Revolution proposed to overthrow in Spain when they unleashed their revolutionary forces in 1820.
In 1812, the Spanish Legislative Assembly (the Cortez) was obviously white-anted with masons who did not share the Catholic faith of the Spanish nation. They politicked a constitution that recognized King Ferdinand VII as the King of Spain. But the new Trieno constitution contained provisions that were thoroughly at variance with the magisterium of the Church.
Notably, the constitution provided for laissez faire economics and banking - guarrantees that under the Trieno, the market would be free to work of itself.
No government founded upon Apostolic Law would ever permit a constitution of this nature.
In the first place, it is a brazen lie to designate such a market as ‘free’. There is no such thing as a ‘free’ market. You either have a market with checks and balances that operate on the basis of fair laws. Or you have a market where the Money Power dominates and makes the rules. Unless the government makes laws to compel the Money Power to obey laws, and especially laws governing the issue of credit, then the ownership of the entire nation will swiftly pass into the hands whoever issues the credit.
The King Ferdinand saw this. And so did the Catholic Church. The Catholic King had no mandate to govern under masonic rules in the interest of the Money Power. He was responsible before God and the Church to promote Apostolic government in the interests of the nation - the population of which was Catholic.
He used his executive power of veto (recognized by the constitution) to can the Trieno that the masons had drawn up.
The masonic revolutionary forces retaliated by storming the King’s palace and taking him hostage and they unleashed civil war across the nation. France eventually intervened.
With the help of the Catholic Church and the backing of other nations, King Ferdinand’s nephew Louis-Antoine raised an army - 100,000 Sons of St Louis. They invaded Spain and defeated the revolutionaries and restored King Ferdinand.
All that is usually narrated in history about the civil war of 1820 is the severe measures used by the King and the Catholic government to deal with the masonic partisans and their backers (the Jews).
The Catholic Church and the Catholic nation of Spain will be forever vilified in the historical accounts because they took up arms against the masonic revolutionaries hell-bent upon destroying their government, their heritage, their faith and instituting debt slavery.
This revolutionary dialectic was played out in Spain for over a century until the civil war of 1936, when the Grand Orient, its masonic partisans - now Bolshevists visited a terrible vengeance upon Spain.
God intended for His people to be a theocracy. They only reason He gave them a King ( Saul) was because they didn't wanted judges. They wanted a king. God got tired of listening to them whine. God told them you're not going to like it but here is your king.
Heaven is a monarchy.
Thy Kingdom Come.