I was recently let go due to a new HR director who subscribes to CRT. She felt my efforts to remove a poor-performing employee with a severe disrespectful attitude was not in keeping with her philosophy of "providing a job for everyone" despite the ability to do the job. I am going to let you play the "guess the race" game.
My question, which is not in keeping with this group's general message is about buying my own healthcare. Has anyone had experience buying a personal plan, if so what was your experience? Is it possible to get a good plan for a single person? Any insight offered is appreciated.
I apologize for creating a post, not in keeping with the theme of the group, but I this is my only social media outlet and I could use some help.
Thank you.
File a complaint with the EEOC, for hostile work environment. I believe it’s offered by the government, or something like that so it shouldn’t cost you anything. It’s a basic right, to fight back if your unlawfully fired. I don’t know if you had insurance with this company or corporation before, but if you did, you could apply for COBRA, and should be able to keep your insurance, it costs more but it’s still less than having to have individual insurance. The upside is this, if you’re not working, and the unemployment that you receive is under a certain amount, you should qualify for welfare of some kind. Especially because of the pandemic, they’ve change some of the requirements. I don’t know what state you live in, or how all that works there, but these are some options you have. Definitely contact the EEOC. Are used to work for human resources for a large corporation. When people filed lawsuits against the company, they usually settle out of court. I need money that you can get for them for firing you with an unlawful cause, it’s a benefit that to you that you should use. I know some people don’t want to use the welfare system, but in a pinch, until you get a job, you may as well. Because all of these illegals coming in are going to use it anyway. At least you put into it, don’t be too proud!
Thanks for the advice. It is not something I would normally consider but maybe I should.
It has been a difficult pill to take. I have been steadily employed since I was 18 (I'm in my early 50s now). I feel so betrayed. When I was interviewed for the position, I was specifically asked by the EO if I had the skills to terminate poor-performing employees. My boss and the old HR director actually said to me that this person was "the worst employee in the whole group". I was simply doing what I was asked to do.
Unfortunately, we got a new HR Director and she had a different idea. It is my belief that she rationalized with me being white, "I had a better chance of getting another job" than the other person.
The biggest betrayal was that I did everything I could to help her when she first started. In an effort to build a strong working relationship, I took her out to lunch several times. She talked about race every time we went to lunch, and at first, I was open to having an honest dialog. Then one lunch she came right out and said “all white people are racist”, it was at that point I had to tell her that I didn’t feel comfortable discussing race anymore. After that, she started with the silent treatment and not even looking me in the face when we would encounter each other in the hall.
I am a very up-front person, so I struggle with a person harming me for no good reason. I have MS, which she knew, and taking away my ability to earn living and have healthcare goes beyond my ability to perceive her as being human.
I'm sorry to hear about your experience. It's a shame that people get shanked for trying to do what's right.
Maybe God has something better lined up for you, it's worth considering whether there are other avenues you could/would like to pursue.