They have removed all mentions of Christianity from parks. It is illegal for Christians to marry Jews, it is illegal to sell Christian books in Hebrew, and it is illegal for Christians to engage in any media activity (TV, radio).
Rothschilds and bloodline families formed this "state" on top of Christian holy ground.
They are scared because Christians(and other religions) have been given VISION by God to see through their evil plans.
israhell is last because its literally a MECCA of EVIL.
I now trust a Muslim(freedom fighter anyone?) over a Jew, 100% of the time..
Lets see what everyone here thinks.
The US was shaped from the beginning by a lot of the same families. Your problem is you're judging the entire public based on their government. Based on that logic we should be collectively held responsible for the damage these families did through our government.
I agree with your assessment that I am generalizing. I think this is moreso religion than govt.