I work in a school. We are (basically) forced to wear masks, which at this point, I know who is and isn't cool about whether or not I have it on when I'm around them, so, it's whatever. But today, I was near the vice principal and he asked me, "have you gotten your vaccine yet?" (And SO FAR it's optional). So, I shook my head no, and he said, "well, I'll make sure to have my mask on when I'm around you, then. Also, I don't ever want to see you without your mask on, since your not vaccinated" (as if he's becoming okay with seeing vaccinated folks without theirs on). So, is this a little taste of what's to come? Are the unvaccinated going to be sub-classified? I sure felt like it today, literally for the first time. I know its VERY subtle. But there it was, right there! I know it will slowly ramp up from here. But there it was... Today marks the first day of the hint, that persecution is coming. I know it is. It's not a good feeling.
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Here would be my response: 1.) I like to avoid politics in the workplace and I understand the vaccine has become somewhat controversial. 2.) My medical information is private, so unfortunately I cannot disclose HIPPA protected information... If that doesn’t work move to 3.) No it’s ok I’ll just continue to wear a mask because masks work 100%, don’t you listen to Fauci? (Sarcasm) 4.) while I continue to wear my mask, because they work, enough people will get vaccinated for us to reach herd immunity. - if they then challenge you for being selfish by making others get vaccinated but not you to reach herd immunity then ask them - but wait, I thought you wanted to get the vaccine? Are you saying you are taking a risk by getting the vaccine?.. you can normally catch these people in their own logical fallacies if you keep your cool and use their own words/ideas against them. Look, I’m not anti-vaccine, but there is no getting around that this is still experimental, not FDA approved, and it is the least studied medication/therapy that will be given to the most people (by far) in history. It is fair and even logical to question the long term effects when they are not known. Finally, while mRNA delivery mechanisms of proteins have been used for a few years, it has never been done in a vaccine (to my knowledge). So once again, this will be given to the largest population ever, is the least studied, and it is the first time we are using this technology in a vaccine? Nah I’ll pass for now. Plus I’m young so my risk is > my reward considering my survival rate is 99.99% and the vaccines are only 95% effective..and while we’re at it, for how long is the vaccine effective? Oh that’s right, we don’t know. - end rant.