posted ago by Kekshot ago by Kekshot +112 / -0

We know the MSM has been dumping info about solar storms that could knock down comms in a continental level or even worldwide.

We also know that the people responsible for the flawed security software used on our public buildings is called Solarwinds (Qincidence ?, perhaps...).

Theory is, could the Solarwind systems (specially the ones responsible for the power grid and/or the internet) have been placed with backdoors by DS agents ?

Would they be responsible for a comms blackout that would be blamed on solar storms, or maybe a fake nuke-caused EMP (I remember Q mentioning that there would be a huge false flag coming, non-nuclear, but they would make it look so) ?

Then again, I came up with this assuming that the DS will cause the shutdown to contain some reveal that not even the social media censorship would be able to hold back.

I want you guys' opinion on this one.