posted ago by QEBL486 ago by QEBL486 +66 / -0

I have been planning on moving out of this cesspool for a while, i am in the process of buying some property in southern Oregon but now I think that is a mistake as well. This Friday, my county goes into “high risk level”... AGAIN! these fuck heads are never going to let this shit go away! So many cucks here that feel “safe” for having the gubment tell them what to do and how to live there lives! I cant stand it! The county I am buying property in is also going to high risk level. So I am not sure they are as based as I thought even though its a red county.

I lost my job at the end of January because I kept asking too many questions about the bullshit china virus shit that they didnt feel I was a good fit for the team. Been on unemployment ever since and my claim just expired. I put in another application and we shall see what happens. I have an interview on the 23rd for an electrical apprenticeship since I don’t enjoy working in healthcare anymore.

My spouse and I don’t really see eye to eye on really anything. My spouse is ultra liberal and I am conservative with libertarian views. I have been thinking of a divorce because we always fight and can never see eye to eye about most things. I just don’t know how to go about a divorce because of my Christian upbringing. I’m honestly nervous about going about it. But I’m not happy in this marriage and I’m not happy where I live. I always have a place to live with family in Idaho where masks don’t mean shit and libtards are few and far between. Not sure what to do. I have been praying about it and asking for your prayers too. Thanks everybody!