posted ago by AmericasOfficialCunt ago by AmericasOfficialCunt +126 / -0

Wanted to share an experience. Sister flew to visit the family. Cousin, sister and I head out and grab dinner.

Head to a Turkish joint in Brooklyn. This joint is in an area where if you drive up 5min you in lefty town. I'm sporting my MAGA beanie forgetting it's even there. I sport it often and feel fine since I live in a more red part of BK.

Anyway, going about our night, this lady who was sitting down with this dude right behind us comes up to me after settling up and on her way out and turns and says to me.

Hey I happened to notice MAGA on your beanie is that for real?

I said yea. I'm MAGA all day. Trump, policy everything. Smack in middle of Brooklyn. I got long hair and a beard she thought I was some yuppie from lefty town.

You could see in real time whatever curcuits in her brain that remain left were shorting. Her brain couldn't register wtf was going on. Her head was about to explode. She wanted to say something but couldn't muster up the words. I even mentioned I'm willing to debate her or anyone. I knew when they start losing the arguments they simply fall back to boiling it back down to race. At first heart raced for a second, but was cool calm and collective. Leanded back had a huge smile on face throughout.

It's important to let these people know we aren't shying away from this even in lefty east coast capital Brooklyn.