Holy shitballs! If the vax is the bio weapon...
We may be a country without doctors soon. All the front line and essential workers that are being pressured into or are so trusting of our ever so trustworthy swamp government are going to drop dead and leave us without basic needs. We’ll be easy pickings when that happens. Don’t just stockpile food and water. Get all sorts of medicine and get as many medical journals and books. We should have a datahoarders.win where we can get her and share all the books and instruction manuals we may need when the SHTF.
Maybe I'm in the minority here, or am just being too optimistic, but I really don't think the vax is going to end up being as deadly as some on here think. I personally won't be getting it, but my reasoning is much more along the lines of why should I get this vax if I'd still "have to wear a mask and social distance".
Even if I was worried about the vax it would be more side-effects wise, i.e becoming sterile or having some other future problems. I know people have died from the vax but you can find niche cases for almost any medical operation if the sample size is large enough. To me those deaths are a result of the rushed vaccine and people being too willing to get it without doing their due diligence, i.e am I a person that is at risk to potential allergic reactions, unforeseen complications, etc.
Trump developed this vaccine, everything we collectively (and I personally) believe points us to "Patriots are in control". If Patriots are in control why would they allow a vax kill off half of our population? It just doesn't make sense.
Especially because the media has such a grip on the average citizens reality (especially in big eastern cities).
My father is probably one of the smartest men I know, worked on Nuclear Navy Submarines in the 70s and went on to have a very successful and impactful career in the Nuclear industry. He took the vaccine.
If "the plan" entails half of our population being killed off with a bio-weapon that Trump himself manufactured, then that's a pretty shitty fucking plan.
And I'll also just leave this here, Q528:
Yeah I don't think any harm will come from this one. I believe it's a test to see who gets it. I mean your dad being the smartest man you know, takes a shot that has no liability, also experimental seems not too smart to me.
Robert Redfield ex cdc director in septemeber said that face diapers would most likely still be more effective then the vaccine.
It just makes no sense to take it.
If it's not harmful it's a test to see how many people would just do what the media said with no liabilities.. Everyone is liable for something with their services/work usually..But not this vaccine.
The point I was trying to make about my dad taking the vaccine, and I may have left a bit of context out, is that he is a very detailed/research oriented individual, and even he got it.
We always joke in the family that if we want a gift from our dad we need to send him a 6 month warning, as he loves to research every possible option to see which is the best. Be it a brand new car or a $5 wrench, he'll find you the best option you didn't even know existed.
My dad didn't just "take" the vaccine. He read articles, he read "trusted" scientific institutions and weighed the risks of the vaccine against the risks of CV-19. Since he's older and has a history of heart conditions he felt the risk of death from having CV-19 with his conditions was higher than the risk of side-effects from the vaccine.
He did his research, the only issue is his research was normie research. Why does he deserve to die from that then? Can Trump explain that to me, can the Q Team explain that to me?
Every facet of our daily lives is controlled and we are brainwashed with disinformation at every step. My point was that even the smartest people can be tricked into doing something that may be against their best will. "The plan" has done nothing to remedy this so, in my opinion, it is part of the plan for this disinformation to exist.
I'm not finding the right words to say it, but essentially if the Q Team knows the vax is dangerous enough to kill people, why aren't they combating it? The only logical explanation is that it's not a death sentence like some people on here like to make it out to be. Doesn't mean it's 100% safe, but this thread is ridiculous.
The CV-19 vaccine being used to kill of all of our doctors, and the Q team just sit by and let it happen? That's so unrealistic it's laughable. That or we're losing, and losing hard.
With all due respect it doesn't sound like your dad dug deep enough in his research.
Take a look at these studies: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2589909020300186 (Pathogenic priming likely contributes to serious and critical illness and mortality in COVID-19 via autoimmunity)
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22536382 (Immunization with SARS coronavirus vaccines leads to pulmonary immunopathology on challenge with the SARS virus)
https://insight.jci.org/articles/view/123158 (Anti–spike IgG causes severe acute lung injury by skewing macrophage responses during acute SARS-CoV infection, pathogenic priming)
Here's a quick summary of the above. There are 2 main issues:
Issue #1: The vaccine induces your body to create spike proteins in your cells which then trigger your body to create spike protein antibodies (SPA's). These SPA's have been shown in animal studies to skew macrophage response when the recipient encounters the wild virus again. this skewing causes the cytokine storm to rage unchecked b/c the SPA's attack/kill the type 2 macrophages which 'turn off' the cytokine storm which eventually causes death (this is called pathogenic priming or hyper sensitivity). These SPA's can also potentially cause blood disorders and attack the placenta and create autoimmune disorders.
Issue #2 (according to vaccine expert Geert Vanden Bossche) is the SPA's (which are part of our acquired immune system and are specific to the original spike protein) outcompete our innate immune system (NK cells, etc. which can counter ALL variants) so when there are variants that have a different spike protein than the one the vaccine trains our bodies to recognize it will leave the vaccinated person very exposed b/c their innate immune response is outcompeted. Also doing the mass vaccination during the middle of a pandemic is training the virus to become more virulent and come up with more contagious variants/new spike proteins.