I don't believe there is such a thing as a virus that can only be detected by a nasal swab test. Every time I've ever have an illness, I'd always have some sort of symptoms that I'd notice right away. The whole asymptomatic spread theory is a hoax. There should be an 18 U.S.C 1041 with a title of "False or fraudulent statements and policies by federal employees to the general public" which should say something like, any federal government employee that makes a false or fraudulent statement or enacts policies or guidance of the same to the public regarding a major threat to the public by any sort of means shall be fined or imprisoned for no less than 20 years or both.
I don't believe there is such a thing as a virus that can only be detected by a nasal swab test. Every time I've ever have an illness, I'd always have some sort of symptoms that I'd notice right away. The whole asymptomatic spread theory is a hoax. There should be an 18 U.S.C 1041 with a title of "False or fraudulent statements and policies by federal employees to the general public" which should say something like, any federal government employee that makes a false or fraudulent statement or enacts policies or guidance of the same to the public regarding a major threat to the public by any sort of means shall be fined or imprisoned for no less than 20 years or both.