Heavenly Father we love you so much. Thank you for the gift of life and the blessings and challenges that come with it.we are unworthy of such things but yet you see past all the many sins, into our hearts and soul. The heart and soul that you designed. You and only you truely know us as individuals 100%. And evsn after knowing this u looked past the negatice into our positice potential. We ask that you give each of us this ability to look past eachothers negative and to see the spark of light in each soul. To see it and the strive to bring that light out from the darkness. Plz lift up my family here on the .win network. Its full of mant great loving people. Plz Lord send all youe children to this thread and put it in there heart to praise and bring glory to your name. You are calling your children to rise, many are already answering the call, plz continue to bless and lift these people up so they may walk the divine path you put them on. Plz help those to deaf to hear your call, to silence there minds and find innwr peace so they may hear. Lord i ask that you look after and bless each individual on the prayer warriors team. We are all people that are just ready serve and help the world and you. But our true power lie in our ability tp unite and become one force. Help us grow and achieve glory for your kingdom. We are yours father and we are ready to serve.plz continue to guide us and show us what we can do to please you. Amen
This thread is for anyone needing prayer wanting to say a prayer or just want a friend
Please join us at 5pm PDT for 1 min of prayer for eachother and the world. Be sure to check out the new sub c/christianity
PRAYER WARRIORS:Hello everyone hope your day is going well. We are in this together and are helping change the world. Keep it up. Im here today thoughs to ask if anyone is willing to do join the prayer warriors team. Its gonna be a team combined with people from Patriot GAW and the christianity sub. Im posting here because most people here want to serve God and thats what we will be doing. We created a discord server as a hub for us to bounce ideas off eachother. Think of positive ways to show a united front for God. Build eachother so we may build up the .win sites. And all act as a single unit so others may see and gain courage to join us. Im also gonna be saving all the daily prayer threads there so people can know who has been asking for requests or get some positive energy if feeling low. Right now im just asking for anyone willing to join the server so we can see what we are working with. We will have more info later down the road. Thank you everyone much love
Your name should be cookies cause you always seem to provide what I want and need so often. Haha well said prayer warrior keep it up. We are building something positive together
Of course you did. Haha man God sure is funny how he works.
Dear heavenly father, we lift up Chachi to you. We thank you Lord for Chachi and their continued faith in this prayer thread. We enjoy their posts very much, and appreciate the scripture, and the detail of the Bible, that brings a fresh new perspective. We ask that you be with their family right now Lord, he would meet their needs, and that they would be a special day for them tomorrow. We ask that you would be in the midst of them as they gather to worship you, and to praise your holy name. Give them traveling mercies, And continue to provide a loving Home, transportation, food, and find out as needed to continue on the path of serving you. In Jesus name amen