Pffft... Psychopaths do not set people up, they act on impulse.
They do not plan ahead and are very simple people. I don't mean they are not intelligent, some of them are, its just that they have very bland personalities.
They are capable of change and frequently do, for better or worse.
The do not have an agenda and are just another variation in human personality, ie, they are normal.
Pffft... Psychopaths do not set people up, they act on impulse.
They do not plan ahead and are very simple people. I don't mean they are not intelligent, some of them are, its just that they have very bland personalities.
They are capable of change and frequently do, for better or worse.
The do not have an agenda and are just another variation in human personality, ie, they are normal.
Yikes... pretty much everything you said here is blatantly wrong ?