These posts appear to be the exact same as distributed via @real_DonaldJTrump and @georgenews on Telegram. I can't say where the real source of these have come from but once one channel posts it they all follow suit. That DJT page on Telegram now has over 1mm subscribers and posts images of Trump's real press releases.
I’m watching them all! I check every hour!
I didn’t know. Just read some new ones. Bummer I don’t have a Gab account cos you can’t scroll too far down.
..its free
I haven’t been on gab in awhile....yep, already a follower! I will look everyday now! Thanks!
These posts appear to be the exact same as distributed via @real_DonaldJTrump and @georgenews on Telegram. I can't say where the real source of these have come from but once one channel posts it they all follow suit. That DJT page on Telegram now has over 1mm subscribers and posts images of Trump's real press releases.