Once the CIA’s Mockingbird Media reports in unison a fabricated narrative about any event whatsoever, that narrative becomes the official history. And everyone knows that “history is written by the victors”[1].
Just go to the CIA’s encyclopedia for the masses — Wikipedia — to read all the patently false and fictitious history that the victors — those who secretly rule US today — write by the volumes every single hour of the day.
The bottom line here is that virtually any kind of black operation run by The Powers That Be will be predicated on a meticulously planned and highly provocative staged event.
The whole thing is worth a read. Check it out.
It's all fake, folks. Agitation propaganda made for the masses. Made for TV movies.
Lots of very good points in that article...
The whole thing is worth a read. Check it out.
It's all fake, folks. Agitation propaganda made for the masses. Made for TV movies.