88 QR Code in Ivanka Trump's jab pic leads to a Q post. I just found this on Telegram. Can anyone confirm if it's real? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by Dr8nDaSwamp 3 years ago by Dr8nDaSwamp +92 / -4 30 comments download share 30 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Can confirm, just tried it with this image: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ey9l8FkWUAY7Qyd?format=jpg&name=large
Only difference, I did a Google search.
Please explain the process to me...I never use qr codes.
On my mobile device, I downloaded QR scanner app, there are many.
Open app => point at QR code laying on desk within photo.
It will result in a number ( as mentioned in post ). Perform search using that number, and the first result ( for me ) was the one
The number I got was: 01003592671000231721073110ER8731 - noticed I had a few extra characters than what OP indicated.
ok,,,thanks for reply