In what world is forcing 2 year olds to wear muzzles like in Michigan not child abuse??? I can’t believe people in Michigan are taking this shit. I draw a hard red line when someone puts my child in harm and will fight to the death to protect them.
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My bank is forcing a mask mandate now.. I am thinking about going in and closing all my accounts and forcing them to pay it to me in cash... Hell, I might request coins to make it interesting
You haven’t been following lately huh? Go into the bank and ask to make your withdrawal and see what happens.
First, they limit your withdrawal to something in the realm of maybe 5-10k (although I’ve heard of even less)
Then they require you to explain WHY you are closing your account/making the withdrawal etc.
Then they file your request, along with your reason, and then tell you whether they can accommodate you or not.
This is the world of banking in the modern age.
The reason? Oh well something about protecting you and others from illicit activity and such.