Make sure you're checking all the processed food you eat and all the medications you take.
Think about it, if the DS is trying to get to you secretly, why wouldn't they just mass-dose your food, or mass-dose your over-the-counter medications like Advil, Tylenol, etc? It's so much easier to do that than a vaccine.
It's the reason most McDonalds meat is "filler", because they know you won't question it.
That's not what I'm saying, I'm saying that if the DS was trying to secretly give a sterilizing agent to the masses, it would be much easier to do it, and less expensive, in practically any other way.
For example, all the DS would have to do is say is: "everyone take this new brand of [insert medicine name], it will protect you from the virus."
That's all it would have taken. No messing with congress or having to use budget reconciliation.
This is where the logic of the vaccine being "the secret mechanism" breaks down. Money talks, and it's way more expensive to create mass-vaccine centers nationwide than it is to just use popular brands that are available everywhere.
Why waste unnecessary money and resources? It makes no sense. Social capital and virtue signaling are never the final decision, it's always money.
The FDA, for how corrupt it is, does in fact cross examine foods and drugs to verify contents. The elites and their lackeys consume a lot of the same foods and drugs as everyone else so I think you have an interesting theory but I disagree. It also ignores the elephant in the room. Covid doesn't exist and the vaccines are under emergency use (not fully tested). This is reason enough to be highly suspicious and even go so far as to expect malicious intent in my opinion.