Yea saw that one earlier like 2 hours ago on the youtoob channel All Seeing Heart. I saw her website and also about how there is unlimited renewable water. What’s sad is no one believes her. I listened to her interview Pal someone who drills water wells and drops dry ice. It’s awesome but she interrupts too often just like Steve K Bannon does. She has been awake for so many years.
Someone who doesn't interrupts and doesn’t have a total grasp of everything but definitely a curious mind is Nicolas Veniamin.
Yea saw that one earlier like 2 hours ago on the youtoob channel All Seeing Heart. I saw her website and also about how there is unlimited renewable water. What’s sad is no one believes her. I listened to her interview Pal someone who drills water wells and drops dry ice. It’s awesome but she interrupts too often just like Steve K Bannon does. She has been awake for so many years.
Someone who doesn't interrupts and doesn’t have a total grasp of everything but definitely a curious mind is Nicolas Veniamin.