They have us divided. What is it going to take to unite us all? How much longer can all this go until until it explodes? The precipice has to be near, but it has to also be something so awful that it may destroy this country completely in order to be able to build it back up. I hate the word SOON, but if something does not happen soon, I fear what is around the corner.
They have us divided. What is it going to take to unite us all? How much longer can all this go until until it explodes? The precipice has to be near, but it has to also be something so awful that it may destroy this country completely in order to be able to build it back up. I hate the word SOON, but if something does not happen soon, I fear what is around the corner.
What is it going to take to unite us all? The destruction of the main stream media and tech giants, aka the dems highly effective propaganda machine
Don't forget the ruling political class.
Take away their propaganda arm and they will have nothing left to protect them
Amen to that!